I'm going to leave out the chronological order of the Star Wars movies for the sake of making my point.
While playing Knights of the Old Republic, I was able to see that their were 3 main bodies of power to govern the people. The Republic government, the Jedi and the Sith. It was clear that the Republic would would be the tool which would either be used by the Sith or the Jedi. This lasted for thousands of years.
Once Palpatine is elected Chancellor, the galaxy is thrusted into over one hundred years of political chaos. Secretly a Sith, Palpatine uses bureaucracy, a war with confederate star systems and the Jedi to fashion himself Emperor. We Occupy Wall Street, but the Empire had a Rebel Alliance which destroyed the Death Star. This was definitely not a sustainable government, but I'm not sure Palpatine cared, really.
Luke Skywalker and the Alliance take down the head of the Empirical government creating a power vacuum which last for years. Imperial Remnant forces battled Alliance forces until the Alliance proves victorious, takes control of Coruscant and creates the New Republic. The Empire, with a handful of systems, sit near the edge of the galaxy continuing business as usual.
The New Republic was anything but successful. While the Jedi Order was able to rebuild, the New Republic had to fight internal bickering and a great bureaucracy which was strangely similar to the Old Republic. While they squabbled, their enemies plotted.
Enter the Yuuzhan Vong. From literally, out of nowhere, these aliens to the galaxy came seeking anything but peace. Taking advantage of soft under-belly of the New Republic, the Yuuzhan Vong was able to cut through the galaxy with relative ease. It wasn't until the New Jedi Order was free to act independently of the failed government that the Yuuzhan Vong were defeated. The Galactic Alliance was a fractured government which limped along while the citizens of the galaxy rebuilt.
First Chief of State to the Galactic Alliance - Cal Omas - Removed from power by a Coup.
Second Chief of State - Darth Caedus (a Sith????) and Cha Naithal - To be fair, Jacen Solo was good at keeping it a secret that he was in fact a Sith. Ok, so not really. Darth Caedus and Cha Naithal did bring about the Second Galactic Civil War. Darth Caedus was killed by his sister and Cha Naithal was disgraced.
Third Chief of State - Natasi Daala (former Imperial Admiral) - Enter the Police State. She too left office in hand-cuffs. Her platform of destroying all those who sought power was deemed to risky, although it was a similar platform to many of her predecessors.
The Triumvirate - Grand Master Saba Sabatyne, Senator Treen and Senator Jaxton - When I first read of Saba Sabatyne, I pictured an incompetent alligator in a Jedi robe. The other two were up to no good from the moment they were introduced to the reader. I've not seen the outcome of this stellar Administration, but I'm pretty sure it's not going to be pretty.
UPDATE: This just in. The Sith rule the galaxy, once again. And now, to Steve, with the weather.
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