Alorya is a world engulfed in chaos. The Adami, the humans on Alorya, have made it their mission to destroy the Jaadugar, the wizards who once wielded power over the planet. Now all that remains is a small band of this magical race, led by their Grandmaster, Samajhdaar. He takes them to the last remaining safe place on the planet with the Adami in hot pursuit.
Not only is Samajhdaar contending with the Adami, but he is also contending with a former student, Mercer, who's motives are unknown. All of them seek out the power once wielded by a young Sorceror, Aiden, whose magical power threatens the very existence of Alorya.
Mercer covets the power, while Samajhdaar seeks to neutralize it. It is a race against time for all those involved and the quest is more dangerous than any of them could imagine.