- Know your audience - What do they want to hear, read or watch?
- Know your competition - What are they doing to reach their fans?
- Know your material - Is there some facet of your work that differs from or is similar to anything?
- Don't wait until your book is published, album is released, openning night at your play (whatever) to begin marketing. You want to think about these things at most a year before publication.
- Your competion should be the established greats of the current era in your genre. If you're a musician, Mozart is not your competition. If you're a writer, Frank Herbert is not your comptetion. Find out how your competition is reaching their audience and then adopt/improve on it. Do they use the web? Do they use PodCast?
- Try to set yourself apart from everyone else. Find something unique about your work and put a neon sign around it.
Special Thanks to Matthew Ashdown for helping clear these points up for me.